When I was growing up, west of Lehi, we had a catch and pay trout farm. We raised brook and rainbow trout and would help anglers through all steps of the fishing process. Our dad tried to make us understand that few people could have what we had and that we should appreciate it. We tried but looking back I don't think I appreciated it as much then as I do now that it is gone.
In about 2002 Saratoga Springs was in turbo development mode and by over-tapping the aquifir our artesian wells lost their natural pressure which caused our pond and fish to suffer. With the loss of continual 54 degree water coming into the pond, summer temperatures of the pond rose while dissolved oxygen dropped; both bad for trout.
By 2006 we fished out all the trout and gave up on the pond. It's still there and this time of year it is full and even draining into the outlet leading to the Jordan River but we have to remind ourselves that that is only temporary. The other ten acres have not been used for anything other that a few cows or sheep in the past but now we're getting new ideas on how to utilize the forgotten land surrounding Appleseed Fishing Pond. I shouldn't disparage my dad's efforts too much, he has done a great job gardening around the house and in his orchards. There are about 9 acres that have been used for livestock occasionally but are usually fallow.
Over the last few weeks we decided we can use that land to actually produce some crops. Why it took so long I don't know; all we can do now is go forward. For years I have had my eye on Missouri and the Midwest for farming and have looked right past my dad's little farm. I realized that before I invest eveything I own into a full time farm, I should probably practice and learn the basics on a small scale.
We have plans for wheat, sunflowers, possibly soybeans, amaranth and the list keeps growing. Getting water to the field may pose a challenge now that there is not always water in the pond to pump from. We may end up digging a deeper end in one of the ponds to allow shallow groundwater to be pumped. (yes we still have plenty of water right shares.)
We'd also like to plant a large garden out there to feed us and open it up to the public for a fair price.
If we want to see our dreams come true, we have to take action to get them going. My grandpa, who grew up on the Joseph Smith farm in New York always dreamed of being a farmer and growing apples. When he and my dad started their fishing pond venture they decided to call it Appleseed Fishing Pond in honor of Grandpa's dream. I hope to perpetuate that name in my farming endeavors.